Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 09/11/23


Yesterday, when I voyage in the heart of supplications,
I met god sketching my father’s beards on his head
& I come by the shrine of speaking corpses.
the goddess door my ears,
my face battled her silly tongue
& I was said to heart the metaphor of God
by the shrine men planted my father’s breath.
still sketching goddess hairs on our backyard.
& today I heart, I mind, I face, I tongue. I god
on the epistle.
though; my tongue is the poetry of God.
& thus; with the metaphor of God, I me, I you,
I all; in the name of poetry (of God)
next time. I will come again.

©2023 Abubakar Auwal All rights reserved.

Abubakar Auwal

Abubakar Auwal, Tpc VIII, NiSWA 001, is a bilingual teen poet, playwright, essayist, movie actor, graphics designer, storyteller and also a spoken word artist born in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. Abubakar’s works have been published or are forthcoming in Teen Lit Journal, Synchronized Chaos magazine , Hello Poetry, LILAC Journal,, Words Rhymes & Rhythm, Art, Al-fijir MSSN magazine, New Voices Magazine, California Poppy Times, IJAEM journal, Flower Song press, Boundless 2023: the anthology of the Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival and elsewhere.
Abubakar is the Editor in chief at New Voices Magazine, junior editor at Poetry. Com and proudly a member of Hill-Top Creative Art foundation.
He was the winner of Splendor of Dawn poetry and short story competition (February-April edition, 2023) and finalist for the NSYTH Poetry and spoken word recitation.

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