Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 03/13/24

But isn’t this how

we should live our lives?

Listening to music about fools in love;
dancing without worrying about
matching the beat; humming along
because there is no shame
in not knowing the words;
glancing out the window at
a blue sky; the mimosa flowers
waving from the neighbor’s yard;
writing poetry about the
potential of the world which humanity
does not deserve.

Our only noble purpose as a species is to
adore the raw beauty of our earth.

Perhaps our role is that of an audience.
We were never meant to participate in the play,
we were meant to enjoy it, appreciate it,
applaud all its hard work to become
something sustainable for a species
as miserable as humankind who has
war and money and all the small chaos
we insisted on inventing.

We take for granted the things
that we are not credited. We act
unimpressed at the pure magic that
is this existence –

Perhaps if we slow
down, if we watch and listen and
sit very still, we can enjoy the show
which has been created for our pleasure.

©2024 Katrina Kaye All rights reserved.

Sister Kaye

Katrina Kaye is a writer and educator seeking an audience for her ever-growing surplus of poetic meanderings. She hoards (much like a typical dragon) her previous published writings, links to publications, and additional information on her website: Check out her latest chapbook, no longer water, available from Echobird Press! She is grateful to anyone who reads her work and in awe of those willing to share it.