Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 09/11/23


Yesterday, when I voyage in the heart of supplications,
I met god sketching my father’s beards on his head
& I come by the shrine of speaking corpses.
the goddess door my ears,
my face battled her silly tongue
& I was said to heart the metaphor of God
by the shrine men planted my father’s breath.
still sketching goddess hairs on our backyard.
& today I heart, I mind, I face, I tongue. I god
on the epistle.
though; my tongue is the poetry of God.
& thus; with the metaphor of God, I me, I you,
I all; in the name of poetry (of God)
next time. I will come again.

©2023 Abubakar Auwal All rights reserved.

Abubakar Auwal

Abubakar Auwal, Tpc VIII, NiSWA 001, is a bilingual teen poet, playwright, essayist, movie actor, graphics designer, storyteller and also a spoken word artist born in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. Abubakar’s works have been published or are forthcoming in Teen Lit Journal, Synchronized Chaos magazine , Hello Poetry, LILAC Journal,, Words Rhymes & Rhythm, Art, Al-fijir MSSN magazine, New Voices Magazine, California Poppy Times, IJAEM journal, Flower Song press, Boundless 2023: the anthology of the Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival and elsewhere.
Abubakar is the Editor in chief at New Voices Magazine, junior editor at Poetry. Com and proudly a member of Hill-Top Creative Art foundation.
He was the winner of Splendor of Dawn poetry and short story competition (February-April edition, 2023) and finalist for the NSYTH Poetry and spoken word recitation.

Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 08/18/23

Light Came Darkly

your way of language
dry against the bone
a mad scientist god
moving in another direction
driving to a plane beyond
the color
the blue moon
my love
while light came darkly
ripping heart and stone
and a monument crumbling
soft places
and the underground
I am wanting I am wanting
and the never promise
I hear a voice that lasts five centuries
and what I could not deliver
a better world

©2023 Margot Block All rights reserved.

Sister Block

Margot Block has been writing since the age of fourteen and has been published in Zygote Magazine, Contemporary Verse 2, Juice, Voices, the Collective Consciousness, Grub Street Literary Magazine, Bakwa Magazine, Cholla Needles, Blank Spaces, Black Scat Review and in the online journals BlazeVox, Kaliedoscope Online, the Bombay Review, Oddball Magazine, Brief Wilderness, the Blotter Literary Magazine, Kritikos:A-Postmodern-Journal-of-Cultural-Sound-Text-&-Image, Scissors and Spackle:A-Journal-of-the-Written-Word, the Big Windows Review, the American Diversity Report & the Lothlorien Poetry Journal blog. She participated in the high school mentorship program with the Manitoba Writers Guild, working with Canadian poet, Carol Rose. She won first prize in a poetry contest with the Writers Collective and an honorable mention in a poetry contest with the Lake Winnipeg Writers Group.

Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 08/11/23


All day my mother
Swallows flies
Like some kind of allegory
Of love

My father says
It’s going to be okay
But he’s lied
Since the beginning

To us
And himself
And who knows what
He says to God

Or whoever it is
He talks to
When he socket wrenches the ceiling
In the dead of night

The flies don’t care.
They keep coming,
Quivering on my mother’s lip
Until the rattle sucks them under

©2023 Damon Hubbs All rights reserved.

Damon Hubbs

Damon Hubbs is the author of three chapbooks: Coin Doors & Empires (Alien Buddha Press), The Day Sharks Walk on Land (Alien Buddha Press), and Fly Creek (forthcoming from Naked Cat Publishing). His poems have been featured in Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Roi Fainéant Press, Otoliths, APOCALYPSE CONFIDENTIAL, Does It Have Pockets, and elsewhere. He lives in New England.
Twitter: @damon_hubbs

Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 07/05/23


Not getting any?
Stuck in a dead end job?
Poverty got ya by the balls?
Do the few lovers you find
     turn out to be psychotic?

Does it seem as if a sadistic higher power
     is working your last nerve?
Think a bit too much?
My funky brethren, I know all about it

If any or all of these problems
     has plagued your life
I'd like to take this opportunity
to introduce you to a brand new cult:
     The Cult of the Goc

That's right folks, The Cult of the Goc
The G.O.C., ladies and gentlemen
The God of Circumstance
The newest and coolest 
       disposable god ever

Tired of your conventional cult demanding
       so much of your time and energy,
all to worship their god which you
     still aren't fully convinced it even exists?

Well, Here at The Cult of the Goc
     each member gives worship to the
Great God of Circumstance
     whenever the hell they feel like it

But that's just the beginning!
Not only do cult members find it       unnecessary to fear The Goc
When things just aren't going right, it's common practice to cuss The Goc out
       for being such a fucking sadist

Not only is this a therapeutic 
   and liberating practice
You also don't get struck by lightning either

Now it's not all deity cussing down here 
       at The Cult of the Goc
though we do hold the practice
        in high regard
No folks, we cult members understand
     that The Goc is schizophrenic
Not unlike the God of the Old Testament

Thus we like to keep things simple
by identifying the 2 primary natures
       of our disposable god
which we dubbed The Gloc and The Bloc

The Gloc is 
       The Good Lord of Circumstance
which we love and worship
        and say thank ya to
The Bloc is 
       The Bad Lord of Circumstance
which we hate, cuss, and say fuck ya to

"So what will The Cult of the Goc
give me that all those other cults lack?"
You're probably asking yourself (as any  
        wise cult shopper would)
Well, our cult members are wise enough 
       to not cling
             to their love or hate 
                   of our Goc
As we know that 
       The True God of the Universe
has nothing to do with
       our global human soap opera
for It is the One Without Another
   residing in Eternity, Unmoving, Unborn
Pure Conscious Omniscient Imagination

Creating stars and the space between
    by the Great Law Three
       and Its Seven Vibrations

We seek to go back there
       back Home

©2023 Gentle S.C. Dragona All rights reserved.

Gentle S.C. Dragona

Known since 2008 as Da Honky Wit Seven Names, Gentle Dragona is an American Poet, Lyricist, Mystic Stranger, and Bloody Dirty Dancing Dervish. He authored the underground collection of 69 poems in 1998 – IN DREAMS WE HIDE – published by Arkansas Writer’s Press; and the book CUSS! The Ancient and Transcendental Art of Hangin’ Out, in 2005, published by AuthorHouse.

Da Honky’s seven names are Eric Kristian Willey Gentle Shokya Candalla Dragona. He resides in his adopted town of Austin, Texas.

Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 10/19/22

God Carries Demons

say— we are products of the phenomenon supernatural.
we—humans/ evolve from god/ evolved from God
who crafted humans
& angels
& demonic things conjoined into human souls.
Mine wears a mask.
So I can not tell, what shade of pain
It’s complemented my flesh with.
My best friend says her demon comes annually with the face of her jamb score
she screamed twice at the smelly café
but that was not enough to exorcise him off her shoulders.
Mother told the priest
_It’s a ‘him’ her demon(s) shape-shifts
to suit the skin of that man that carries her vows on his ring finger, the one I call—
Last night I had seen my neighbor wearing a triangle on his head
& godly beads wrapped around his wrists and neck.
This boy used to be a non believer until an incubus made him scurry back to God’s nest. God?
I guess He carries demons too.
Aren’t we mere reflections of the chromosomes He wears?
Now I know— every heavenly being has the devil’s disciple lurking around their shoulders

©2022 Chukwuma-Eke Pacella All rights reserved.

Chukwuma Eke Pacella

Chukwuma Eke Pacella is a seventeen years old poet, a short story writer, an editor, and a feminist that hails from Ihembosi in Anambra State. In 2020, her poem “Anatomy of pain from a boy’s body” emerged as the winning entry for the Cradle poetry contest. It was also shortlisted amongst several others for their issue I, a collection of poems curated by Arts Lounge Magazine. In December 2021, she became a joint winner of the FOW on-the-spot poetry contest and its spoken-word finalist. She is a recipient of the 2022 Nigerian Prize For Teen Authors Award and the First runner-up for the BKPW February/March Edition. Her poems have also been shortlisted for the Medusa anthology, BKPW and BPPC’s “Do Not Die In Their War” April/May Edition. Some of her works have appeared or are forthcoming at Synchronized Chaos, Eunoia Magazine, Poetry Soup, IHRAF, Last Leaves, Haven Spec, Star*line, Cajun Mutt Press, mywovenpoetry, as well as literal anthologies like the Pixie and Pexels and the MyRainbow book poetry collection. She is also a member of the Next Generational Poets and the HillTop Creative Arts Foundation.