Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 06/19/24

Non-Playable Character

I am the NPC
in someone else’s reality,
a side character
in someone else’s story.
There is no dragon
to slay
and no maiden
to lay
in the castle dungeon,
just a prison.
There are no quests,
no mythical and magical lands,
no courage in my chest
and no powers from my hand.
There is no consequence
for my absence or presence,
as just another glitch
in the matrix.

Exploding Head Syndrome

In my tired mind,
Chris crossed wires
create copper currents,
infusing blown fuses
with stuttering static
synapses shocking
the senses into
of white noise
black outs.

Little Poem

I am a little poem,
made, not born,
as rough scrap paper drafts
folded into paper airplanes
crash landing through blizzards
of crumpled snow balls into
the overflowing recycling bin
until the inevitable avalanche.
But with too many
words to write,
there are only so many
empty pages of white.

©2024 Chris Butler All rights reserved.

Brother Butler

Chris Butler is an illiterate poet. He has previously published 500 poems, including his 10 book “Poems of Pain” series, including Artsy Fartsy (Alternating Current Press), BUMMER (Scars Publications), Neurotica (Down in the Dirt) and DOOMER (Ethel Press). He co-wrote a book of poems, Dead Beats, with Dr. Randall K. Rogers. He is also the co-editor of The Beatnik Cowboy literary journal.

Cajun Mutt Press Featured Writer 09/11/23


Yesterday, when I voyage in the heart of supplications,
I met god sketching my father’s beards on his head
& I come by the shrine of speaking corpses.
the goddess door my ears,
my face battled her silly tongue
& I was said to heart the metaphor of God
by the shrine men planted my father’s breath.
still sketching goddess hairs on our backyard.
& today I heart, I mind, I face, I tongue. I god
on the epistle.
though; my tongue is the poetry of God.
& thus; with the metaphor of God, I me, I you,
I all; in the name of poetry (of God)
next time. I will come again.

©2023 Abubakar Auwal All rights reserved.

Abubakar Auwal

Abubakar Auwal, Tpc VIII, NiSWA 001, is a bilingual teen poet, playwright, essayist, movie actor, graphics designer, storyteller and also a spoken word artist born in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. Abubakar’s works have been published or are forthcoming in Teen Lit Journal, Synchronized Chaos magazine , Hello Poetry, LILAC Journal,, Words Rhymes & Rhythm, Art, Al-fijir MSSN magazine, New Voices Magazine, California Poppy Times, IJAEM journal, Flower Song press, Boundless 2023: the anthology of the Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival and elsewhere.
Abubakar is the Editor in chief at New Voices Magazine, junior editor at Poetry. Com and proudly a member of Hill-Top Creative Art foundation.
He was the winner of Splendor of Dawn poetry and short story competition (February-April edition, 2023) and finalist for the NSYTH Poetry and spoken word recitation.